Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Return of the SIX MONTH Baby!!

Alright, blogger world... it's about time for a new post! Since it has literally been AGES since our last visit, I will be heavy on the pictures and light on the writing. [... and there was much rejoicing!] :)

Eli celebrated his 1/2 birthday with a cold, recovering from 7 (yes, 7!) shots at the doctor's office. Grandpa Frank was in town and decided to brave the sickness and bring us lunch! Thanks Grandpa Frank! This is the only picture we got of him that day, but we think John Deere looks good on him!

Though more posts are to come, here is a pic of Eli doing his best to enjoy this fall season! Before daddy bagged all of the leaves (11+ bags to be exact!), we threw Eli in the pile and he wasn't quite sure what to think!
Happy Fall Everyone!


  1. woo hoo! more pictures and news of Eli :) He's looking good! And way to go Dad on bagging all those leaves...yet again a joy of living in an apt still.

  2. Hi Stacy, I'm writing for my kids to tell you that all their tricks come from Lots of free things you can do there. They save their collages to the computer and then upload those images to their blog. Hope that helps! Love the pics of Eli! Jill
